You are full of potential. Potential, however, can dry up when you compare yourself to others.
Having potential means that possibilities are inside you. It’s a powerful voice that says, “YOU CAN!” But reaching your potential can be scary.
For example, you could have the potential to be the fastest runner in the class, but to know if you are, you must race the person who may be faster than you. Your hands can be sweaty as you wait for someone to shout, “Go!” but once you take off, you just do what’s inside you to do. You run, and you cross the finish line. Because you were courageous, you reached your potential.
Potential sits inside your heart waiting for you to act on it, just like Buzz’s wings were waiting for him to use them the right way.
As long as Buzz looked at how others flew, he couldn’t reach his potential. He was comparing himself to them, and in doing so, he felt sad, broken, and jealous. Buzz’s wings were designed to be used a different way.
Never compare yourself to others. Maybe they can do some things that you are not able to do. Maybe someone can paint beautiful art, but you can barely draw a stick figure. That doesn’t matter. It does not change the potential in YOU. Therefore, you don’t have to be jealous or sad or upset. Focusing on what you can’t do will only make you feel discouraged and cause you to fail to do what you CAN do. Focus instead on the fantastic, unique potential that is inside of YOU. God created you to BEE YOU, no one else. You make a terrible someone that you’re not, but you are the fanciest, most wonderful YOU! So, be happy being you, and BEE the best you can BEE!
Read Psalm 139:13-17
How does God see you?
How does it make you feel to know God designed you? That you were not a mistake or an accident? That God made you exactly how He wanted you to be?
Try counting all the grains of sand in a cup. Think of how many more grains of sand there are on one beach. Now multiply that by ALL the sand in the whole wide world. How do you feel knowing God thinks so many thoughts about you?
Having potential means that possibilities are inside you. It’s a powerful voice that says, “YOU CAN!” But reaching your potential can be scary.
For example, you could have the potential to be the fastest runner in the class, but to know if you are, you must race the person who may be faster than you. Your hands can be sweaty as you wait for someone to shout, “Go!” but once you take off, you just do what’s inside you to do. You run, and you cross the finish line. Because you were courageous, you reached your potential.
Potential sits inside your heart waiting for you to act on it, just like Buzz’s wings were waiting for him to use them the right way.
As long as Buzz looked at how others flew, he couldn’t reach his potential. He was comparing himself to them, and in doing so, he felt sad, broken, and jealous. Buzz’s wings were designed to be used a different way.
Never compare yourself to others. Maybe they can do some things that you are not able to do. Maybe someone can paint beautiful art, but you can barely draw a stick figure. That doesn’t matter. It does not change the potential in YOU. Therefore, you don’t have to be jealous or sad or upset. Focusing on what you can’t do will only make you feel discouraged and cause you to fail to do what you CAN do. Focus instead on the fantastic, unique potential that is inside of YOU. God created you to BEE YOU, no one else. You make a terrible someone that you’re not, but you are the fanciest, most wonderful YOU! So, be happy being you, and BEE the best you can BEE!
Read Psalm 139:13-17
How does God see you?
How does it make you feel to know God designed you? That you were not a mistake or an accident? That God made you exactly how He wanted you to be?
Try counting all the grains of sand in a cup. Think of how many more grains of sand there are on one beach. Now multiply that by ALL the sand in the whole wide world. How do you feel knowing God thinks so many thoughts about you?