“Wuv. Twoo wuv,” is more than the Friar’s words on Princess Bride. It’s that “oooh-la –la” and “happy ever after” that is a part of all our hopes and dreams. “We all wanna be lu-huh-huh-ved,” croons DCTalk. Love. It’s the lyrics to hundreds of songs, the topic of endless discussions, the rhyme for numerous poems. Love. It’s beautiful and secure, yet frightening and mystic. It’s something we grasp hold of and feel it pull back at us with tangible force, yet it’s abstract, indefinable, and indescribable. Love. We write the word in fancy letters and draw hearts around it. We abbreviate it, give it symbols, and stick its abridged version between our name and the name of that special someone else. Love. It’s expressed in romantic gestures like rose petal-strewn pillows, heart-shaped candies, candle light dinners, and moonlit strolls. It’s absolute commitments like “I’ll wait for you,” “I do,” and “til death parts us.” Its affection held between entwined fingers, squeezed in bear hugs, and caught in the pucker of stolen kisses. Love. It’s communicated through tilted eyelashes, blushing cheeks, and sweaty palms grasping a hand-picked bouquet. It’s a million acts of kindness, the root of generosity, the motive for mercy. It connects the pitiful with the powerful, forgives injustices, and offers new beginnings. Love. It states the truth, lends a hand, hears the unspoken, and looks for the best. Love. It’s the reason for sacrifice, the wellspring of hope for the future, and goodness in its purest form. It’s a simple algebraic equation of a=b ; b=a. The formula is stated in the Bible. God is love; therefore love is God. That’s the reason love is always positive, always good, always hopeful, always selfless, and always wrapped up in someone else. It’s also the reason why we crave it so much. To experience love is to experience God. “We all want to be lu-huh-huh-ved” because we all have a God-hunger. He, and only He, satisfies the yearning for real love for He is “oooh la laa,” “happy ever after,” and oh so much more.
It’s the first of the year and resolutions abound:
Think thin, get more spiritual, gather family all around. We have such good intentions as January starts, But gradually those priorities fade into the background of our hearts. The same old routines we’ve always had become the pattern once again As we move farther away from where the new year began. But it doesn’t have to be that way; we can have “stickablility.” We can follow through with our resolutions if we walk in simplicity. |
AuthorMy life has been a blessed one, rich with the presence of God and the joy of family---these blessings are my passion. Categories