2) Connect. Meet other writers and aspiring writers. The simplest way to do this is to join a local writers’ group. Another way is to attend writing conferences. Typically, these connections offer opportunities for writing contests and for gathering information about the craft of writing, but the biggest blessing is the fuel you get by hearing other people’s stories. As people share their journeys and their successes, you are inspired with motivation that is difficult to kindle alone. In addition, as they reveal their struggles, you are able to learn from them and avoid those same pitfalls.
3.) Learn. Seek answers for your deficiencies. If you are writing, look up a synonym or a grammar rule. When you’re relaxing, thumb through favorite books and see why those books appeal to you. Research particulars for your specific writing goals. Do you want to sell books on your own? Research internet marketing options. Do you need to build credibility? Set up a blog or send out a newsletter so that you have published work. Would you like to sell magazine articles? Read and note what information appeals to specific magazine editors. Jot that down along with the contact info for that editor.
You may not be ready to write a novel, but if writing is in your heart, you can get started on the writing journey.