Much can be said about our will. Our “want to” can be a driving force that propels change and increases momentum. It’s the factor many life coaches and career specialists point to as the catalyst for acquiring desires and reaching goals.
But determination can only take us so far. Having someone come alongside us to encourage our vision increases our chances for success. God equipped us with support by linking us to other believers in His body. Nit to one another, the strength of one can empower another. A forward surge by one has the potential to mobilize others who are interconnected.
Sadly, the opposite is true. A discouraged heart or a fellow believer’s fall can have us spiraling downward. Therefore, God has provided something else—an inner work—that enables us to have perpetual traction. He gave us His Spirit, which supplies the constant resource of love to fuel our strength. God’s love promotes our trust, which enables us to see more of his love and, thereby, to trust Him greater. Like slime for a snail, it keeps us from drying out spiritually; it coats our vulnerabilities; it smooths out the journey. Our faith grows, and increment by increment we move forward and climb upward.
Unified with Christ, we are joined to an unfailing source of power far superior to our faltering will and the limits of human efforts. When He rises, so do we. Because of His triumph, we also, are victorious. Ephesians 1 says that because we are united with Jesus, we receive the same heavenly blessings that He receives. We enjoy the rewards of His perfection. We are raised to new life with Him and seated in heavenly places with Him. We are empowered for the climb because of Him, and in the wake of His inner work, we leave a little residue of His love behind.
Tip/Tidbit: Be determined. Unite with the Body. Trust God fully. Because of Him you can rise to new places of joy, victory, and life.