“Ditto,” was my deepest, most heart-felt worship in that moment.
Like a toddler putting together a sentence, I felt inept in my expression; still, God wanted to hear from me. While he loved Carla’s beautifully spoken words, my fumbling, faltering lips, posed phrases that He was just as eager to hear. Prayer and praise, like each individual, are unique. Though the sounds may not fill the air the same way, there’s something delightful about devotion and supplication that is articulated. Consider a toddler’s utterances. How many proud parents make social media boasts about their little darling’s cute turn of a phrase, his first words, or her faulty use of grammar. Incorrect? Yes. Difficult to understand? Usually. But, oh so delightful. Those posts get a great big like from me every time. And so do the teenager’s colorful poem, the college graduate’s speech, and the adult’s tribute to a parent or spouse. Older. Yes. More clearly expressed? Usually. And, also, oh so delightful.
Recently, a friend and I conversed about a prayer she’d heard me pray. I had to confess. Years after those prayer room comparisons, I still struggle to put into speech the matters of my heart. The prayer she'd heard felt stilted and clumsy to me, a poor representation of my spirit cry, but to her, my words sounded like victory because they were vocalized. For her, prayer is a silent offering, deeply and fully felt but never spoken. This prayer position is critical as worship, regardless of expression, must, first and foremost, be the utterance of the soul. Words carefully journaled, fluidly articulated, or loudly proclaimed are meaningless if they originate on a pen or form on the lips. When the soul, however, is given voice, its indefinable hopes and profound gratitude, its grave concerns and earnest petitions, its inmost sorrows and jubilant extolments are released in a burst of beauty. It's like having a friend tell us how much they treasure our relationship or having her come close with words of comfort during our discouragement. We may know how she feels, but having her share those feelings aloud adds another layer of value to our relationship. When we worship with our words, we engage in conversation with God. Sure, we're telling him what He already knows, but He likes it, and we are enriched with the voicing of it. Earthly moments are exchanged for Heavenly ones. The essence of what’s hidden in our hearts spills out into the open, and our vulnerability signals to us that we are surrendered and that we are listening for God's reply.
Like a child stringing together syllables, we aren't joyful because of the precision of our grammar; our delight is in communication. No matter the development of our vocabulary, we can have a conversation with God. Sometimes our Father imparts fresh insight into what to pray, much like a parent providing a correct pronunciation of a toddler’s version of a word. Requests that were not part of our planned petitions surface. Spiritual awareness directs us to oppose the enemy. Spirit words transcend earth’s dimension. In praise, we gain access to more understanding of God's magnitude. We grow, offering greater disclosure and increasing in our knowledge of Him. We learn to recognize His responses. His enveloping presence affirms He’s heard. His whispers spiral right into our innermost being, the origin of our words. In the interaction, we experience the divine. Reciprocity with the holy.
Today, I have asked my friends to share a prayer and a praise that has been in their hearts, specifically regarding the times we are living in. While these are ladies experienced in prayer, I want you to see that each person expresses herself uniquely, even when given the same request. And God likes it. Maybe your heart will feel a “ditto” as you are inspired by my friends’ words, but their phrases do not have to replace the voice of YOUR heart. Perhaps your prayer today is “Help me,” or “Thank you,” or “Save me, Jesus.” Those have certainly been my most frequent utterances to God. Maybe it’s a fervent, “I love you!” that you'll shout loudly or whisper from trembling lips. Whatever it is that you choose to say to God, He’s leaning in to hear.
Lord I praise you because you are the magnificent, beautiful, Holy One. You alone have the power to dispatch ten thousand angels when called upon. You hold the world and my hand at the same time. You have never forsaken me. I praise you for your goodness, your forgiveness, your mercy, your righteousness, and your power. You forgive our sin seventy times seven. The stars obey your commands and the rain waits for your signal, yet you see the single sparrow that has fallen and number every hair on my head. The world is in your control, and nothing takes you by surprise. I praise you Lord because you are the only perfect holy one deserving of praise. ---Stacey | Lord, I thank you for your forgiveness and mercy to a world of people who do not deserve it. I’m asking that you would be a barrier of protection to your churches across the world. We need your divine, supernatural protection from the evil that is trying to infiltrate our schools, families, government, and churches. Please protect the innocence of our children in a world that is attacking their mind at every corner. Expose and clean out the secret wickedness of those in high places because you said that everything done in darkness will come to light. Please protect the marriages in our churches from spirits of lust and adultery that would try to creep in. Send angels to surround our church and protect it from any evil that would try to come against it. Thank you Lord for the many blessings you give us that we never notice and take advantage of. We are so blessed. Please hear our prayer for help in this time of need. In Jesus name, amen. --Stacey |
You are the King of Glory. The Beginning and the End. There is no one or nothing that can even come close to your greatness. You are the master of the universe. You spoke this whole world into existence. And you are the same God who cares about me.
I will praise you everyday of my life, Lord, for you are great and greatly to be praised!! You are the king who sits on the throne, and what a day it will be, Lord, when I can bow down at your feet!!! All the pain and suffering here on this earth will be nothing compared to that great day, Lord!!! Oh sweet Jesus, I am not worthy of your love, grace, and mercy, but everyday, Lord, you give me these things. Thank you Jesus for seeing my heart and knowing me .
Lord, I come before you thanking you for the authority you’ve given me in the spiritual realm, and I thank you for using me, Jesus, to fight battles on another level. Search my heart and forgive me of any sins--the ones I'm aware of and the ones I’m blinded to--that I am doing.
Satan, I have authority over you and your plans through the power of the Holy Ghost that YOUR master, the creator of the universe imparted to me when I took on his sweet name. I have sat by long enough and watched you devour friends and family members, but no more. Not one more will you take without me fighting!!!!
I bind every spirit of confusion, every spirit of compromise, every false prophet that is whispering in the ears of your people. Bind them up, Lord. Bind up the mouths of the naysayers. Take the spirits working through them, and throw them back into hell where they can’t torture your people any more. Remove the blinders from the preachers and evangelist who are turning towards another path--trying to preach truth while trying to be a part of this world. Give them strength, Lord, to keep pushing and to keep fighting.
Lord, in your word you said we have authority over the serpent and over every unclean spirit. We have the authority to cast out devils in your great name. Lord I take authority over the spirit of offense that is causing division among your people. I plead the blood of Jesus over your church, over your people, Lord!!!! Help us to be your church, the church you called us to be. Help us to love like you love and to see people how you see them. In Jesus name.
Lord, through you we have great victory!!! Victory over the prince of darkness that torments this city. Help us to tear down strongholds Jesus!!! We thank you, Lord, for the victory. We thank you for authority. You are such a mighty God!!!
Father I come before you today in humility. I know and understand that it’s in you that I live, move, and have my being. It’s your breath that I’m breathing. I am your creation and it’s because of your Word that I exist. Forgive me Jesus where I’ve failed you! Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me! Lord let a spirit of repentance and surrender sweep over the church, the people of Your name, and this great nation. Help us to prepare the way of the Lord and make His path straight. Awaken us Oh God in this critical hour! Let our eyes be fixed on you and our ears be attentive to your voice and the gates of our hearts opened so that the King of Glory can come in! Not our will Lord but yours Jesus. Forgive us of our passiveness. Forgive us of our idleness. Forgive us of our ease. For the kingdom suffers violence, but the violent are rising to take it by force! There’s an army rising up with renewed identity, strength, clarity, and strategies. And we will conquer new territory in Jesus Name! For your Name and your Power is on us, in us, and through us! No weapon formed against us shall prosper! In the midst of a world filled with fear, sickness, desperation, turmoil, and darkness, we are preparing the way and proclaiming faith, love, hope, healing, miracles, and LIGHT. Lord let revival come. We need YOU Jesus. --Jessica | Isaiah 52:1-2 KJV 1 Awake, awake! Put on your strength, O Zion; Put on your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city! For the uncircumcised and the unclean Shall no longer come to you. 2 Shake yourself from the dust, arise; Sit down, O Jerusalem! Loose yourself from the bonds of your neck, O captive daughter of Zion! Psalm 18:29-32 29 For by thee I have run through a troop; and by my God have I leaped over a wall. I praise you for your perfect strength today! I praise you, Jesus, that you have awakened your people and they are rising! Positioned and ready to advance for your kingdom’s sake! We have put on your garments and we are restored in our identity in you! We put on a garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. For your yoke is easy and your burden is light. We praise you because the enemy, his lies, his accusations are under YOUR feet and therefore under ours! We are shaking ourselves off from the attack of the enemy and we are stronger now! And we are sitting and resting in heavenly places with you. We trust you! I praise you for the victory that is already won! We have overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony! I praise you because you have redeemed us with your outstretched arm! You have defeated the enemy and empowered us with greater strength! Life and death are in the power of the tongue and we declare that you are good in all your ways and what the enemy meant for evil, you meant for good! Thank you Jesus that you are forever sovereign and your mercy endures forever! Thank you Lord that in your name, we ALWAYS triumph. —Jessica |