I guess that’s the good thing about being a bit clueless sometimes. When you know you don’t have it all together, you can be much more teachable. Overconfidence, on the other hand, can be killer. This too, is verified by Scripture: (1 Corinthians 10:12) “Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.” It seems that when I am flying high—confident in my righteousness or critical of someone else’s “wrongness”—I sail right into the electric wires of failure. It is there that I am quickly jolted to the reality that I am nothing on my own. I am truly dependent on God. On the other hand, questions are okay.
Not having it together, and knowing that fact, is perfectly acceptable to God. Maybe that’s why God was able to give Zechariah the profound insight the Jews returning from captivity needed to hear: 1. God didn’t restore you to Him because you earned it. He did so out of grace. 2. Religious practices are nothing if they aren’t connecting you with God. 3. When you get the God relationship right, the needs of life will be met. 3. If you are wanting to please God, start with the heart and thought life. Think and live righteously, truthfully, peacefully, and joyfully. Oh, and DON’T think critically of others, but be compassionate in thoughts and actions toward them. 4. And keep on a-working! Build up the temple of God regardless of opposition or set-backs. (Sounds a lot like growing spiritually, encouraging others, and doing the work of God.)
Zechariah may not have had all the answers, but he asked enough questions until He became familiar with the voice of God and was given a message that offers wisdom for us today. After all, the words he spoke were not his own opinions. They were instructions from a loving and gracious God to a people He loved. That, like God’s everlasting Word, remains true. Are you unsure about that? Just begin asking God questions. Before long, you’ll have the answers you seek.
Tip/Tidbit: Scripture points out that God wants us to have understanding of Him and His ways. He is a God of light and does not want us to stay in the shadows of confusion, uncertainty, or error. He promises that if we seek Him, we WILL find Him. Today, set your heart toward seeking God. Begin by accepting that you are imperfect and that flawed is an okay way to be because it requires you to look to the only Perfect One.