Not one to keep my feelings hidden, I told God how I felt. How hurt I was. How I didn’t understand. I questioned if I was believing and trusting or if I was just making a wish list He wanted me to throw away.
And He woke me up with the answer at 3:30 one morning. Hebrews 11. Among the mighty things that God DID, there were some things that He DIDN’T do. The point? Believing is about ME. The answer is about Him.
Believing grows my relationship with God. Even if it doesn’t provide me with the answer I want. My position is to be one of seeking and believing, asking and believing, hoping and believing--then trusting that God’s got it and knows beyond what I understand.
The truth is, His plan is always bigger than expected! Abraham, for example, believed for a son. He was promised nations, for which he also believed. He held the son, but he didn’t see the multiplication of nations come to pass. However, by believing, he also became the father of more than the nations associated with the Jews and Arabs. He became the father of all believers, the father of faith—something only eternity will fully reveal.
Anytime we have a promise from God, we can be certain it will come to pass. Even if it answered like God did with my friend. Her miracle was no less wonderful. It was even better than I expected. Even though it wasn't what I expected. I saw her telling her testimony; instead, she's singing with angels. Abraham envisioned tents speckling the hillside; instead, he got a Messiah and a Church.
Faith is always beautiful. We believe. We remain encouraged, confident because of the good things we've already seen God do. We cling to promises. And we receive so much more than our eyes can see. Only Heaven will reveal the full results of our faith, and what a revelation that will be!
Tip/Tidbit: My prayer for you this season is for your renewed faith. I pray that you have fresh encouragement to believe again, even for the things that seem previously ignored, the things that seem impossible. I hope that you grip more tightly every promise from God that has been quickened in your heart and that you experience a fresh renewal of hope, peace, and joy that will last throughout the year.