1. Saul was equipped with what he needed even before he had an inkling God wanted him to be king. His tall stature was a physical attribute that would gain the people’s favor, and his status as a donkey-owner and servant-haver lent itself to handling the role of national leader. Saul was the perfect fit to become the king Israel desired. He was thus because God had qualified him long before his advancement. In like manner, God formed us with gifts and talents that complement our purpose. Our substance is composed of what we need to accomplish His good plan for our lives. Our upbringing partners with those qualities. Together, we are prepared for God’s promotions.
2. Saul’s elevation was set in motion before Saul was even aware of the possibility of promotion. Israel had rejected God’s method of leading them. They wanted a king. God used this unrest to present Saul with an unheard-of promotion. He would become a king to a nation that had never had a king. God’s plans are always bigger and higher than ours. They aren’t limited to circumstances and can be derived from either good or bad situations. God simply takes what is present and molds something for our future. While we are still clueless, He has already prepared awesome things for us.
3. God’s plan for Saul was bigger and better than his, and its grandeur unfolded right in the middle of the common. Saul was going about his daily life attending to the affairs of the family. While finding some run-away donkeys, he encountered the prophet Samuel for a life-changing experience. God does not require us to be in some exotic, remote location to give us direction for our lives. He promotes us in His Kingdom from where we are. The lesson we can learn from Saul is to be faithful in whatever we have at hand to do. Whether it is chasing donkeys or studying for a college exam or arriving at work on time, fulfilling our responsibilities well is a good foundation for promotion.
4. God activated His will with His Word. For Saul, it was through the lips of Samuel. For us, it may be whispered through the pages of the Bible, spoken by ministers of God, or plucked on our heart strings. That direction, however, will always be in sync with God’s written Word.
5. God confirmed His will. Saul experienced several signs that validated Samuel’s prophesy. If we are restful in God’s presence, He can show us confirmation for His plan for our lives as well.
6. God manifested His will. For Saul it was through oil poured on his head and Samuel’s proclamations, then a feast, and a coronation. For us, it unfolds through opportunities and open doors to do what has been in our spirits to do.
7. God provided support. Saul was surrounded with valiant men and given a book of instructions. He was set up for endurance. God’s resources for our success may be mentors, critics, accountability partners, education, information, and always, His word as a guideline. We are equipped for the long-haul because God never leaves us to handle the pressure of promotion alone.
8. God promoted, anointed, and empowered, but He left Saul with the power of choice. Saul had everything he needed EXCEPT confidence in God. He couldn’t keep his eyes off himself so he was forever swinging on the pendulum of pride. Pride made him feel inferior and embarrassed and kept him hidden among the stuff at the time he should have embraced his promotion. Pride exalted him above his anointing, encouraging him to act rashly time and again. Without keeping God in view, he could only rely on himself, and faltering humanity is never strong enough to equip a calling. Anointing and promotion are not enough. Just as Saul could not fulfill his potential by sitting on the throne, neither can we fulfill our purpose simply because we have been given every opportunity to do so. We possess all we need to succeed in our promotion, but we must choose to hold fast to the God who arranged every detail for us. What began with God must be maintained through Him and completed by Him. Only then will our promotion bring full success.
Tip/Tidbit: What unexpected opportunities have God brought your way? Looking back, did you see how His plan for you unfolded? Once you moved into God’s direction for your life, did you maintain dependency on Him, or did your focus become more self-centered? How is your current focus?