We all have something to offer to God and to others. Being able to stretch out our hands requires a half-full perspective. We can be like the church members James addressed in James chapter two. We can see a need and wish someone well on getting his or her need met, or we can meet the need. Those church members whose perception was touched by faith, saw the possibilities and reached out with a helping hand. Maybe you can’t give a large financial contribution to a cause, but you can be faithful in prayer or volunteer your time. Maybe you don’t have a lot of time to contribute to others, but you could do for them while you’re simultaneously doing for yourself-like treating them to a meal when you’re eating out, or cooking them a plate of cookies when you bake some for your family. There’s always something to pour out if you perceive yourself as a half-full kind of person. Better yet, perceive yourself as a completely full person with an overflow to touch everything around you.
Tip/Tidbit: Gratitude is the awareness of what you DO have and the starting point of becoming a half-full kind of person. Take some time to count your blessings today.