The Lampstand, containing oil and a wick and beaten from pure gold, lit the inner court. It symbolized the Light of the World. This Light, Jesus, did nothing of His own will; rather, He was always fueled by the oil of the Spirit. His fleshly robe was beaten to dispel the darkness from my mind. Because of Him, I have salvation, healing, and help. I comprehend truth. If my mind contains the Lampstand, then I think about the offering He made for me, which turns my thoughts to the fullness of His love. I see clearly who He is. Like the almond blossoms on the Lampstand, His identity slowly unfolds in me. Centered in who He is and rooted in His love, I know who I am. I am secure.
The Table of Shewbread stimulates my faith. On it, I see provision, 12 loaves representing each tribe, a reminder to me that God is always attentive to His people’s needs…which makes me aware that He sees me…and my loved ones. Eaten each Sabbath, the Bread spoke of fellowship with believers, a common unity I can share with my family in Christ. It reminds me of the Sacrament, the broken Bread of Life, given to sustain me, a sustenance I can enjoy in rest because, as I entertain His presence, I am replenished. With the Table of Shewbread in my mind, my thoughts cease to be anxious. I rest in God’s provision. My soul is comforted by my confidence in Him.
While the incense on the altar was one-of-a-kind, in Song of Solomon, a combination of some of these spices symbolize the celebration of a first-time union between a bride and her husband. Burning these spices before the Lord are also indicative of preparation for and anticipation of intimacy with Him. Just as the scent of incense filled both the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place, my prayer and worship usher me into the presence of God. The sacrifice of my will and the fire of God, like the blood and coals from the Brazen altar, mingle with this fragrance to purify me and to make me ready for a deeper connection with God. If my mind has an altar of incense, then I’m praying without ceasing; I’m sending up my worship; I’m meditating on Jesus' beauty and the fragrance of His life. I’m anticipating greater intimacies I’ll share with Him. When my mind has an Altar of Incense, I commune, adore, and surrender because I’m passionate about who Jesus is to me.
If my mind is the Holy Place, then my thoughts are fixed on Jesus. Furnished with the Lampstand, the Table of Shewbread, and the Altar of Incense, I have security, confidence, rest, hope, and zeal. I’m unencumbered with the cares of life. Looking to THE Way, I gain access to the holy and experience the glory of God in all His fulness.
Tip/tidbit: The enemy always wants to divert our thoughts away from Jesus so that we can experience less in Him than is rightfully ours. Attempt to keep your mind on what you know is true about Jesus. In the mulling, there is faith, victory, joy, and peace.