The story of Sampson and Delilah has graced song lyrics, sermons, and poems for centuries. It’s a sad tale with a bitter end, an event that shouldn’t have happened. We shake our heads in pity. Couldn’t Sampson see beyond his infatuation? we wonder. How could someone so mighty become so frail?
The same way we do. Once wrong move at a time.
Sampson mistook the anointing as his own ability. God’s willingness to use Sampson was for a greater purpose. Just because God blesses us or uses us to help someone else does not mean we are walking in integrity of spirit.
He permitted his emotions to rule. Sampson was swayed by his own feelings. Our feelings can lead us into failure.
He didn’t set boundaries. Sampson thought he could handle himself in any situation, so he lacked accountability. He trusted himself too much. Without a check system, we can get ourselves into trouble, too.
He played with fire. By toying with Delilah, he inched toward his own demise. When we play with sin, it may start off as a seemingly harmless compromise, but before long, we will be completely ensnared and powerless to do anything about our entrapment.
He lacked proper focus. Sampson’s attention was on the object of his whims, not on the enemy at hand, and definitely not on the God who’d called him. We can focus on the wrong things—entertainment, work, food, etc.—and become oblivious to the enemy who wants to kill, steal, and destroy us. These distractions can draw our attention away from God and His plan for our lives.
It’s easy to question Sampson, but we suffer his same malady. We give our enemy inroads, allowing him to attack our strengths by using our weaknesses. He wants our power, but if we will surrender our vices, our frailties, our shortcomings and deficiencies to the Source of all help, victory, and authority, then we can dominate the enemy and throw him... and our flesh under our feet.
Tip/Tidbit: What strengths do you possess? Are you using them to invade the Kingdom of Darkness? If so, how might the enemy weaken you to protect his dominion?