*First, if we are wise, we will hear, or give heed to, advice, and in doing so will help ourselves.
*Second, fearing, or honoring God is our very first step in obtaining wisdom.
The contrary is also true. If we don't build a God-foundation first, we have no lasting wisdom because we've already ignored the most important aspect of true wisdom.
Chapter two notes the results of true wisdom.
*It will preserve and keep us.
*t will deliver us from evil paths and ways of doing things.
*It will pull us away from people who speak the wrong (perverse) things and who are not making right choices.
*It will protect us from relationships with people who are unfaithful, immoral, and insincere--who will leave us unhappy, disappointed, and alone.
In a nutshell, seeking God first, and being obedient to Him will give us direction for life. When we fear and honor God, we want to please Him. Wanting to live our lives His way keeps us from living it Our way. It takes away the stubbornness and pride that refuses sound admonition. Just a little glimpse over my shoulder at my greatest past mistakes proves this to be true. Every awful choice had the potential for a better outcome had I sought God first, obeyed His Word, and listened to caring people who offered advice. Thankfully, it's never too late to turn from ignorance to wisdom.
Tip/Tidbit: Experience doesn't have to be the best teacher. While we can learn from her, we can also learn from the voice of wisdom and avoid troublesome situations in the first place. This week, let's take an honest look at how we make choices. Are we seeking to do life God's way, or do our own desires have first place? Are we willing to accept someone's advice if it's different from what we want, yet Scripturally sound? Each choice we make has the potential to build or to destroy our lives. Let's make our choices wise ones.