Repeatedly, God communicated to us what we otherwise would never know with flashes of light that signaled His intent and let us in on the actions He planned to take. He did it through speech, like telling Abraham about the everlasting generations to come through his seed. The little blinker of covenant said, “I’m going this way next.” He illustrated it through Israel’s exit from Egypt, showing that a Deliverer would lead His people from bondage into spiritual freedom. Prophetic words were written, and another blinker with a little more light to point the way, flashed in the world of darkness. Each blink indicated a turn that would bring mankind closer to the Promised Messiah.
Then He came. The Savior of the world. The Light to light our way. He, too, was a blinker communicating what we otherwise wouldn’t know. God’s will. God’s love. God’s redemptive plan. God’s purpose for man. God’s Way. Blink. A stable. Blink. An example. Blink. A cross. Blink. An empty tomb. Blink. His Spirit. Blink. A church. Each flash is a God signal we can zip around, and each is an invitation to know Him eternally and fully, if we choose to follow where He leads.
Tip/tidbit: God continues to alert us about what is ahead. He's coming again. He expects us to be ready. Heaven awaits.