Then, a young man stepped to the pulpit. Expecting him to comment on the number of rule breakers in the place, I was surprised to hear him welcome everyone to the house of the Lord. “We are so glad to have all of you here tonight,” he said.
His words penetrated my swirling thoughts.
“Eddie, are you playing the LIVE broadcast, or is this an old video?”
“It’s today’s live.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. There was a countdown.”
Our daughter and I sighed. Then giggled. All of our church videos begin with a countdown, and Eddie, new to watching Facebook lives, had started a recorded service. As he set things to rights on our TV screen, I did the same with my heart, but the incident left me with a lesson learned as well as a good laugh.
When our minds shift focus, our hearts follow. The unity we desire and the connection we love to have with God can be severed if we give heed to distraction. When we take our eyes off the Lord, it’s not long before we have our measuring tools in hand, checking to see how well others are following the Law. Like annoyance toward those I thought shouldn’t be in the service, judging elevates our opinion of ourselves while it holds others in a critical light. Therefore, the enemy makes sure his camera pans out and we get a clear picture of what will rub us the wrong way. He wants to make certain that we lose focus on the One we are worshiping and that we lose affection for fellow believers. In this hour, when distancing is mandated in the natural, our hearts don’t have to disconnect. If we feel ourselves leaning toward discontent, we may need to listen to that little voice of truth and let it nudge us back on track. Mindful of time’s movement toward eternity, we can stop counting troubles, and instead, enjoy the countdown to upcoming victories, reconnect to what’s LIVE, and tune in to the voice of the Spirit.
Tip/Tidbit: Counter any negative feelings you have by re-focusing on the One deserving your full attention today.