The Bible says the FRUIT of the Spirit (or that is found in & provided by the Spirit) is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Aren’t those the things for which we are hungry? Unfortunately, like grabbing anything from the pantry, we reach for whatever is readily available to try to fill that hunger. Only by partaking of the Spirit, can we satisfy our hungry hearts. Matthew 5:6 says that those who hunger and thirst after righteousness will be filled. Scripture tells us not to be filled with wine “wherein is excess” but to be “filled with the Spirit.” Trying to quench our thirst for God with something other than God requires excess of that thing. Whatever we’re imbibing to try to appease our spiritual appetite, whether it’s our job, our relationship, our stuff, or our diet, it will continue to demand more and more. This continuous cry is merely the reminder that our real hunger hasn’t been met. As the old song says, “Only Jesus can satisfy your soul.”
Tip/Tidbit: Do you have an empty place that you’ve been looking to someone or something to fill? Try satisfying your hunger with the Holy Spirit. A simple, heart-to-heart talk with God is a good place to start.