“Full term” can be experienced by us all. It’s the anticipation of a goal: a job after college, a future position in a company, a published book… It fuels our enthusiasm at the onset, when we’re in the reaching stage, but when we arrive at “full term,” we are much like the expectant mother. We experience some difficulties as what has been comes to an end and what will be remains slightly beyond our fingertips. These are the moments that drag by, the moments where giving up is a temptation, the moments where frustration and setback seem to prevail. While the problems may be present, let’s again take courage in “full term.” We can make it through the final struggle, and when we do, new life, new joy, new hope will be ours to cherish.
Tip/Tidbit: Is there a goal you once eagerly pursued but have put it aside because of difficulties? Take out that goal, dust it off, and again anticipate the joy that awaits. Don’t stop short of “full term”; don’t stop at “full term,” but work through the discomforts and setbacks until your dream has been achieved.