Remember those colossal grapes and the cities "walled to the heavens"? Over-sized, massive, fit for a towering people. By giants for giants. Spacious homes designed with higher ceilings. Plentiful vineyards planted for hefty appetites. Substantial wells from which huge pails lifted gallons of water. Sky-high walls to protect an extra-tall populace. Because the giants were gigantic, everything was grand. Above average. Impressive in size and strength and structure…and waiting to be inhabited by small, insignificant Israel.
Can you imagine? Israel, who’d dwelt in crowded slave communities and nomadic tents were being given the HGTV showcase home? Giants they had run from had been subjected to them all along...even in preparing their home in grand style.
When we face giants, we need to look beyond their size and sound. They are likely the very things constructing our triumphant future. I’ve heard success stories of people who chose to rise above what had crushed others. Some turned a deaf ear to criticism and became what naysayers had said they’d never be. Others defeated their giant of poverty by working hard and investing wisely. Many overcame addictions, difficult relationships, sickness, and more to rise to unprecedented heights in personal accomplishment and public achievement. These are the people who inspire us with their victories.
Just recently, I heard a missionary tell about the drastic move of God in his country. It began with giants. His father, a missionary before him, had faced giants, too. Two unfruitful years of reaching out to the middle-class had driven his dad embrace the least of the least, children who were living in the trash dumps. Years later, multiple church congregations had arisen from those humble beginnings. The present-day missionary, however, had troubles of his own. The land was riddled with drug addiction. Every facet of government was controlled by drug lords. Citizens lived in constant fear of criminal activity, faced extreme personal threat, and endured repeated injustices. Drugs were giants, intimidating and threatening at best. Yes they were scary and oh, so real, still, God was using these giants to prepare a place in which to position His people for favor, thereby advancing the Kingdom work. As the drug problem and subsequent terror increased, so did the desperation of those who wanted drugs eradicated. The problem was addressed through a miracle of God. Extremists were voted into prime positions and drug dealers were given the option to get help or face brutal consequences. Thousands signed up for assistance, but there seemed to be little to truly help them. See the set-up in the making?
Like Israel’s land prepared before them and God’s presence fighting with them, God began to do miracles of deliverance through the Church. As drug addicts were delivered from their addiction by the 100’s, in red-hot Holy Ghost revival, leadership that God had positioned right alongside the drug lords began to invite the Church to become part of the government’s solution to the drug problem. Instead of people fearing crime, criminals were either converted or left the area. The giant of drugs prepared the way for a Ginormous revival. An entire nation is being rehabilitated all because GIANTS were in the land!
What about your giants? Are you facing something that seems impossible? Does it look like Satan’s got the upper hand? Let your faith grow. When God gives a promise, He will bring it to pass, even when He makes the devil set up the blessing for you.
Tip/Tidbit? Look back at some of your greatest blessings in life. What giants preceded those victories? Maybe it was a devastating miscarriage before the conception of a child, a bitter divorce before a peaceful home, an unexpected lay-off before a great-paying job, a sickness during which a ministry was birthed, a death of a loved one or a painful move before God filled the emptiness with joy and purpose. God will always be faithful to His Word. Keep holding on to His promise and fight the good fight of faith. Get your eyes off Satan because the Savior has a set-up for you... and on the horizon, a city far grander than any giant could foresee!