The central element to thankfulness is mindfulness. Paying attention to the world around us goes a long way in developing appreciation. We should begin each day intent on truly SEEING. Let's behold the beauty of life and be thankful for its blessings. Behold the wonder of nature and applaud God's handiwork. Behold the gift of time and treasure its offerings. Behold the kindness of others and show appreciation. Behold hardships and be thankful circumstances are not worse. In the case of gratitude, the start is attitude.
Tip/Tidbit: Thank a service worker for his sacrifice to your community or country. Greet the elderly with kindness and acknowledge their contributions to the world you now enjoy. Recognize a child's sweet smile and delightful giggle. Read a Psalm declaring God's goodness and meditate on its personal application. Say thank you to your spouse for what he contributes around the house, for being a good employ, or for buying you dinner. Leave a note that compliments your children for a job well done, a test passed, a chore completed. Wear a smile. Hum a tune. Offer help. Choose a "better, not bitter" outlook when facing unpleasant tasks and difficulties. In the midst of deepest hardship, focus on the truths that good remains, trouble is temporary, and pain will dull. Stop and smell the roses-literally-or examine the intricate details of a fallen leaf and offer praise to the Creator for ever-present touches of beauty. Finally, go ahead, make that list that begins with the words, "I'm thankful for..."