Just because we've been given promises from God, doesn't mean that the promise will come easy. Sometime we have to fight to see the fulfillment of God’s word. For example, we can say we believe America can be a righteous nation, that God will heal our land. We base this on the promise “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and will heal their land…” We see the promise that God is willing to restore a nation to righteousness, but there are battle conditions listed within the verse as well. Humility. Prayer. Seeking. We have to fight for the promise. We have to take a stand, through prayer and through action. When we do our part, we can expect a change. Many of God’s promises are like this. They include a human responsibility, something that says, “I’m willing to contend for what I believe in.”
Tip/Tidbit: Jude 1:3 says, “…earnestly contend for the faith.” Today, be willing to fight for what God said you could have.