Often, the enemy comes against us with trouble, sickness, dismay, affliction…and that’s where we keep our focus. But that’s just the wrapping paper. A beautiful God-surprise lies within. See, the battle that’s waged against us is our opportunity for more territory. When we defeat the adversary, we not only protect what he attempted to steal from us, we gain what was already in his possession.
This is God's secret. What the enemy means for destruction is really our pathway to greater blessing.
Jehoshaphat, a king of Judah, exampled this. When Moab and Ammon came to war against Judah, Jehoshaphat went to God with the problem. He acknowledged God’s might and admitted his own lack. Then, he took courage in God’s promises to His people and in the testimony of what God had already done. In his surrender of self and with his trust in God, Jehoshaphat was victorious. God set an ambush that defeated the enemy, and Jehoshaphat’s warriors were three days gathering spoils from a battle God fought on Judah’s behalf.
God will do nothing less when Satan comes against us. He will discomfit the enemy, grant a victory, and give an overflow of treasure to us. So, when trouble comes, let’s hear the God-whisper, “Watch what I can do. Your trust is not misplaced. I have a big surprise for you.” It’s an in-the-ear top secret, and we are superior for being in the know.
Tip/Tidbit: Let today’s trouble be the big secret: God has amazing things ahead for you!