While God’s voice offered ark instructions and swore a covenant oath. While His power moved through parted waters and His glory, like smoke, filled the temple. While prophets spoke of His love and poets penned sonnets about His magnitude, there was still a Marco-Polo feeling that something was just beyond the fingertips of humanity’s soul.
Then Jesus came, and never had God been so beautifully grasped. Human skin wrapped the divine, and mother arms held Him. Calloused, fishermen palms slapped His back in friendship. Harlot hair bathed His feet. He was touched, handled, caressed…and mauled. Lepers and tradesmen and relatives and sinners and wealthy and diseased and religious and politicians and criminals and soldiers looked into His man-eyes. They watched GOD labor, heard Him teach. Smelled Him as He sweated beneath the blazing sun. They ate with Him, drank from His chalice, put their feet upon the linen towel girded at His waist.
For a time, however, He was still just the voice, a whisper of God to their unregenerate hearts. Until slowly they began to understand, and as Resurrection evening light faded, they realized God was no longer out of reach. He’d touched them, and they’d held Him. God. God had sat at their table, had walked on dusty roads beside them, had pillowed His head on a stone beneath the canopy of starlight. Creator God, the Magnificent One, had been with them. Like them. No longer was He a figment floating around the edges of their understanding, a mere utterance on the winds of eternal history. Rather, He was comprehendible. Identifiable. Relatable. He was God, and He was man. And He was Present.
Revealed and known, God stretched His wings yet again, expanding through time and space to fill the hearts of believers, putting Himself within reach of all mankind, and some, like those who fellowshipped with His humanity, remained blind to His accessibility. Grasping. Yearning. Seeking. They remain hungry for an ambiguous something. But to those who cry out, He answers, and outstretched, yearning hearts connect to the One who’s voice has spoken through the ages, revealing that what was truly longed for was never far out of reach.
Tip/Tidbit: Today, stretch out your heart of faith and make connection with the God who waits for you to call upon Him. Experience the fullness of His love today!