We, too, have promises from God, promises which God has ratified through the blood of Jesus. The buzzards of discouragement, doubt, and fear often come to eat away our place of assurance, the faith that says, "I'm waiting on you to come through, Lord." Our minds become plagued with perceived obligations we feel sure we've neglected. But if we will continue to believe and fight off the things that try to rob our faith, God will show up. He'll remind us of His promises, assure us of His word, and accept full responsibility of the outcome.
Tip/Tidbit: I don't know about you, but my faith often feels like buzzard bait. About the time I am filled with confidence in God's word, some circumstance will swoop down on my faith. It's talons dig in and try to rip away what I know God has spoken. I have a choice. I can curl up in discouragement, or I can run like a screaming banshee and defend what I know is true. When something tries to rob you of your faith, you can feel at peace knowing the Promise Keeper is near, ready to seal the agreement He made with you.