S> social. It’s important to have both social outlets and a good support system
E> exercise. It’s scientifically proven that exercise creates new neurons in the brain, thus building the capacity for healthier thoughts.
E> education/experience. Trying new things allows the brain to become healthier. It gives positive actions and thoughts that can nudge away the negativity.
D> diet. Some foods are just better for overall health and wellness. Others can create sludge for the body and mind.
S> sleep. The body needs rest. Adequate sleep helps the refueling of mind and body, which enable the mood to be improved. I would add an additional “S” for spiritual. Putting God in perspective is one of the most refreshing things to the mind and is healing to the soul.
Tip/Tidbit: Make a list of things that incorporate more than one of these mood-enhancing categories.
It could look something like the following:
*attend church (social, spiritual, educational),
*take a golfing lesson (social, exercise, education),
*shop at a local farmer’s market (diet, experience, social)
Try this app that is helpful for overcoming depression and anxiety: Mentally Fit App