Then take a leap into creative prayer.
Change what you pray ABOUT.
-Take a drive around town.
-Pray for the businesses you pass: the employees, the owners, the financial
well- being…
-Pray for the schools: the staff, the students, the curriculum…
-Pray for government officials, those in the judicial system, etc: wisdom, integrity,
-Pray for the hurting and the agencies attempting to help those in need.
-Pray for the churches: revival, encouragement, vision
-Open up a newspaper.
-Pray for those in the articles.
-Pray for those who have loved ones in the obituaries.
-Pray for those with influence.
-Pray over a location on a map or globe.
-Pray for the Gospel and those who share it
-Pray for the healing and help of the people…
-Pray over those requests on social media.
We are inundated with opportunities for prayer-needs are all around us-yet we often get in a rut and pray the same things over and over. Stepping out of the routine may be all it takes to bring fresh enthusiasm and fresh faith to your prayer life.
Tip/Tidbit: Add some color to your prayer life. Challenge yourself to pray something different today.