As I was making yet another list to keep myself on task, I began to think about how much preparation goes into those things we deem important. Here are a few examples:
-Homecoming-decorating floats, attending the game, dressing for the dance/banquet.
-Graduation-taking pictures, planning for college, applying for scholarships, sending invitations...
-Employment-filling out applications, making follow-up phone calls, sprucing up for the interview...
-Marriage-getting a license, planning a wedding, shopping for the perfect dress, inviting guests, finding a future home...
-Parenting--going to doctor's appointments, setting up a nursery, buying diapers, learning to nurture...
-Moving-clearing out the old, purchasing or renting the new home, acquiring utilities, borrowing friends and their vehicles, buying necessities...
-Entertaining-cleaning the house, stocking the pantry, cooking a bigger meal...
-Holiday celebrations-pulling out special recipes, shopping for gifts, decorating...
You get the picture. If we value something, we invest our time, means, and energy into it. We involve others. We go the extra mile and require a little more of ourselves, and we often face the change with both trepidation and excitement.
For me, Thanksgiving is preparation for Christmas, and somewhere during this season, I usually think about how unprepared the Jews were for the arrival of Jesus, their Savior, their long-awaited Messiah. Then I have to ask, "Am I any different?" Jesus is coming again. Am I preparing for the arrival of my Savior?
Perhaps, you can join me in a new quest.this season. Instead of making the holiday celebration the full focus of our planning, let's also make our preparation about matters of the heart. Let's apply the same principles we use for other special events to get ready for the grandest occasion of all, the SECOND coming of our Lord. Let's do a little soul cleaning and scrub away the negative scum, clear out the clutter of things like pride or bitterness, and provide an inviting space for God's Spirit to reside. Let's dig out those spiritual recipes, directives from God's Word, that can help us delight Him with worship, can connect us in intimacy with Him, and can enable us to serve with gladness. Let's invite others to enjoy this celebration with us and create an atmosphere of welcome with our encouragement and enthusiasm.
As we look forward to the upcoming holiday festivities, let's also anticipate the most wonderful event of our lives: the reunion that moves us to our eternal home, where we will experience glorious attire, a feast with loved ones, and the embrace our Savior--all that our Father has been preparing for us!