Soul weariness is the deepest weariness a person can experience. It is the result of straining under the burdens of guilt and shame. It is the consequence of obeying the constant demands of the task master sin and sin’s insatiable cravings. Soul weariness can be alleviated, however, by turning to Jesus and receiving the spiritual rest He promised. When we come to Jesus, we find a different kind of master than sin has been. We find a friend and a help. Jesus plows with us rather than cracks the whip over us. Jesus is kind, willing to be patient with us, willing to adjust to our limitations. He takes on more to accommodate our inadequacies. Jesus releases us from the slavery of sin and its subsequent guilt and shame. The more time we spend with Him, the more we learn that He is willing for us to pile all our troubles and cares on Him. He’s willing to take every burden, release us from every shackle, and refresh our soul thirst so that we have nothing to do but REST in Him.
Tip/Tidbit: If you are soul weary, turn to Jesus. He’s waiting for you to say yes to Him. Picture yourself with shackles on your feet and your arms filled with large, heavy boxes. You are shuffling painfully and slowly through life. Behind you there’s a whisper, “I’ll help you.” You turn. Jesus is standing with arms outstretched. You stumble toward Him, and He catches you. Everything you are willing to let go of, He takes and puts in a bag that is slung across His shoulder. You grow lighter while He grows more bent, but His smile doesn't waver. He stoops, unfastens your shackles, adding them to the bag. Then, He hands you a cold drink, steps to your side, and walks with you out of the shadows and into the sunlight. His friendship is sweet. You experience joy, peace, and REST.