Arriving, I tossed the sheet on the ground beneath a shade tree and sat. Then, I began to write down some of the things God had done for our family since January. January had been my last entry in the journal, something our family started writing some time back to keep a record of some of God's blessings in our lives. I began to jot...and jot...and jot.
The more I wrote, the more overwhelmed I became. The magnitude of God's goodness to our family was breathtaking. There, in black ink, was the testament of God's faithfulness. Even in the trials we had faced. In spite of the trials we had faced. Because of the trials we had faced. Without the trials we had faced. In it ALL God was present. Doing only what God can do--the impossible. Here are a few examples: Within 5 months time, God had given me a writing idea and launched that idea. This included my completing a journal, a workbook, two books, and a curriculum within that time span. My blog, (which you are reading so you're counted in this mix) bumped over the 3,000 readership mark. Our son's broken foot healed without meds, without surgery, without pain. A burn that melted my husband's pants left no permanent injury. Amid two accidents occurring on either side of us, my daughter and I were spared. An unfavorable situation that was super stressful at the time shifted by the hand of God. A financial blessing fell in my husband's lap. God visibly began to move in the hearts of some of our unsaved family members. And I could continue. And continue. Miracles. Prophetic words spoken over our family. Ministry to us through the gifts of the Spirit. Opened doors of opportunity. Blessing in every area of our lives. We were bombarded by God.
But at the time, we were experiencing life, mostly noticing the day to day, the troubles, the stuff, the work. Yes, we felt blessed. Yes, we knew moments of incredible awe. But there was something about sitting still and recounting what I already knew that truly revealed the magnitude and all-encompassing nature of God. Those simple moments of silent observation, meditating on what God had done was a feast for my soul, a serving of delectable goodness I was glad to have on my plate. I didn't even need my snacks!
Tip/Tidbit: Set aside a few moments to reflect upon a short period of time. Begin to list the blessings you experienced during that period, and you will find that more and more evidence of God's faithfulness will come to mind.