First, there's the obvious parallel of Haman to our own enemy, Satan. Like Haman, Satan is sorely displeased over our lack of bending and bowing. Oh how he wants us to be subservient, subjected to his whims. Instead, we stand, serving THE God, THE Victor, the One who is a constant reminder to Satan of his limits. We anger our enemy, but he doesn't merely want us to grovel at his feet. He wants all that is connected to us: our families, our circle of influence, and ultimately, all of God's people. So he plots. And in the plotting, he appears to be winning. It seems like nothing can stop him. In fact, it looks like the king is on his side.
But. Yes, there's a big, fat, glorious, three letter word that alters the plan and turns the tale into a whole new direction. The BUT didn't enter the picture when Haman started his finagling. The BUT didn't suddenly become a road block to Haman's success when the Jews found out the plan and started to fast and pray. It didn't enter the picture when Esther stepped boldly before the king's golden scepter. The BUT was at the beginning of the story.
BEFORE Haman started building his empire, BEFORE he noticed Mordecai's will of steal, God was ALREADY at work. God's plan was in motion before Haman could think, "Once upon a time." A queen denied the king. An attendant gave a piece of advice. A king issued a decree. A virgin was brought into a harem. An innocent girl waited with knotted nerves for her night with the king. A father-figure stressed over what was to become of the child he had raised. A young woman humbled herself to a servant's wisdom and was elevated to the royal position of queen. A man does the right thing to save the king's life, in spite of his own personal attacks. All the pieces of the story come together for us, but as they were unfolding, they seemed unrelated, random sentences on scattered sheets of paper. BUT God. He saw the end before Haman started his beginning, and He put everything into position, allowing the story to unfold before the eyes of the people while for Him, it was already a closed book.
Our story is also already written. Before we ever reach the pivotal point where it seems like the enemy is about to succeed in our situations, God is at work. He's positioning people: servants who share a word of wisdom; leaders who hold influence; prayer warriors who pray and fast; speakers who declare the plot of the enemy; even adversaries who create tools for their own demise. God is not surprised by events of our lives. It is we who read the pages with bated breath. And it is we who receive the gift of a happy ending.
Tip/Tidbit: If you are facing bleak circumstances, continue to do what you know is right. Uphold the law. Esteem the lowly. Fast and pray. Put yourself out for others. Honor the King of Kings. Ask your petitions. Identify and target the Real enemy. Operate in the authority of the King's name and the power of His seal. Throw the party, and enjoy the victory!
Scripture references: Esther 1-10, 2 Corinthians 1:22, Ephesians 1:13, Matthew 7:7, Matthew 21:22, John 14:14, John 16:24, Luke 10:7, Acts 4:12, Ephesians 6:12, Ephesians 5:21, 1 Peter 2:17, 1 Timothy 6:15.