This verse reminds me of manicotti. The stuffing in its middle is what makes this pasta different from other pastas. And we get a great understanding of exactly what that stuffing is when the pressure of our fork is applied to the noodle; meat and cheese ooze onto the plate. The same is true for us. Whatever is in our hearts is what comes out when the pressure is on. When life squeezes us, our works are tested.
This is what Titus 1: 16 is talking about. In the New Living Translation it says, “Everything is pure to those whose hearts are pure. But nothing is pure to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, because their minds and consciences are corrupted. 16 Such people claim they know God, but they deny him by the way they live. They are detestable and disobedient, worthless for doing anything good.”
So let’s dissect this using the Greek.
They profess (say the same thing as another, do not deny, declare and confess, profess to be a worshipper, praise and declare openly) that they know (have regard for, pay attention to, notice, sense, see or understand) God; but in works (what they undertake, their actions or deeds) they deny (do not accept, reject, refuse what is offered by) Him, being abominable (detestable) and disobedient (not compliant, impersuasible), and unto every good work (actions and deeds that are excellent, distinguished, upright, honorable, and of good constitution) reprobate (NOT STANDING THE TEST, not approved, unfit).
It's this last part that reminds me of stuffed noodles.
Our works manifest what is hidden on the inside.
Our WORKS speak louder than our WORDS.
Our works are the evidence of what we are truly made of, our substance.
Our choices when we are under pressure reveal our substance.
Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen.” If our substance (what we are made of), our stuffing, is faith, then we have hope, even when the pressure is on. We have works of excellence & honor that are approved by God.
So, the question of the day is "What's my stuffing?"
Tip/Tidbit: Although I am not overtly sinning, I have to admit there have been times the corrupt has squirted out of me when the pressure was on. My works were tested, and they failed the test. How could this be since I'm a Christian? What I am discovering is that my inner stuffing is greatly connected to the thoughts I am telling myself. This week, let's make sure our thoughts, especially thoughts about ourselves, are in alignment with the pure Word of God. Otherwise, we are agreeing with a corrupted version of the truth, and by default, agreeing with the adversary who can't wait for those thoughts to manifest in our behaviors. Let's be so full of Truth that even in the squeeze we will ooze the gooey goodness of Jesus Christ.