The sixth day of creation was a busy one for God and Adam. Whipping up cattle and creeping things, making a human, and arranging a garden was easy-peasy for God, and when Adam showed up on the scene, he jumped right in, naming animals as God brought them to him. This is God’s way— inspiring us creatively, developing our abilities, showing us our value, involving us in His work—all to spend time with us so that we can enjoy relationship with Him.
But the story doesn’t end with naming animals and a hearty backslap of friendship. On this very busy day, God looked at Adam and said, “Night-night,” and while Adam slept, God stayed busy—working on Adam’s behalf, creating what would bring Adam pleasure.
God made Eve as Adam rested.
We can learn a lot from the story of this sleeping man. What if we, too, focused on the pure pleasure of God’s company? What if we thrilled over what God was able to do with and for us? What if we did only the things He called us to do—and then rested? Stopped all other toil and twisting of our thoughts and simply rested in His love?
Adam could have resisted rest. “No, God. I don’t think I want to go to bed. There’s still a little daylight, and I have this garden to tend. Whew! You sure did load me down with tasks. But I WILL get this to-do list done…” If God had replied, “Have it your way,” it wouldn’t have been in Adam’s favor. Either there would have been no opportunity for Eve to enter the picture, or her arrival would have been an incredibly painful process. But isn’t that what we do?
We shouldn’t. Like Adam, we have the testimony of God’s attention to detail in every aspect of His creation and in the work He has already done in our lives. Shouldn’t we trust Him with our needs, our desires, the unknowns, the what-ifs?
Adam didn’t look at the animals clustered in pairs and grow resentful. He looked at the blessing of male and female of every kind and rejoiced. He did what he was called to do and delighted in the doing. He enjoyed his Creator. And he rested. If we will do the same, God is likely to surprise us with the things that are designed to help us, with blessings that exceed our wildest imagination. He’s likely to do what’s never been done before—just to surprise and delight us. And He could use our rib to do it.
Tip/Tidbit: Is there an area of desire in your heart that has not yet been met? Focus on what God called you to do, bask in His presence, and rest. He did a good job with you; He has capable hands! You can trust Him to know best. Who knows? He may extract from you and work through you to provide for you in ways you never imagined and to grant the desires of your heart.