"I believe in America because we have great dreams, and because we have the opportunity to make those dreams come true.” — Wendell L. Wilkie | The honor of God and Country is what patriotism is to me. Too often, these two receive blame for anything that's wrong, but there is a whole lot that's right. Here are some things I love about God & Country. *Both give me the opportunity to know God. *Both give me freedom to embrace faith or to reject it. *Both the me the privilege of having a family, defining my family, loving that family, and sharing my family. *Both provide me with non-biological family so that I don't have to do life alone (Church/community). *Both encourage me to love my neighbors. *Both define neighbor as people who are like me and who are polar opposites of me. *Both have values that teach ethics, morality, and common decency. *Both encourage self-lessness, generosity, and compassion. *Both give me the opportunity to be my best self--to use my gifts and talents, to learn & grow, to try new things, to experience life & beauty, to love the me that I am.. I'm proud to be a Christian and an American for both declare freedom for me. Tip/Tidbit: Spend some time this weekend showing patriotism. Stop to look at flags. Wear red, white, and blue. Sing the National Anthem. Sprinkle blueberries and strawberries on vanilla ice-cream. Read quotes from or biographies about our forefathers. |
DECORATE WITH RED, WHITE, & BLUE. >cluster items together. >showcase with lighting >add the cheap to the nice | >use an item in an unexpected way >place something on or by the door. >collect from nature |